Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Photo Credit: Pedro Szekely licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
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Location of Services

Hotel Los Cedros
Santa Cruz de la Sierra

First Service Time

Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2024, 8 p.m.

Site Description

This year we will again have the Feast or Tabernacles in the beautiful Hotel Los Cedros, located about 30 miles outside of Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

This hotel is an excellent facility with all the comforts imaginable. It provides three different levels of facilities: suites, hotel rooms and cabins. The local Church members mostly occupy the cabins, where they are able to cook and thus lower the cost of the whole Feast.

Even though we are able to cook all of our meals in the cabins, we normally eat together twice a day in the hotel restaurant.

If a person shares a cabin with other members—cabins can accommodate four to six people—and has breakfast and dinner at the restaurant, the cost per day is about US$34.

The hotel is located in the middle of the jungle. Because of that, we are able to hear birds and other animals. Being in contact with the nature God created makes the Feast a very enjoyable time.

The attendance for the Feast this year will be about 40 local members. We would very much enjoy having visitors from other parts of the world. However, there will be no translation into English. Only visitors who speak Spanish will be accepted.

If you want to see the facilities for this Feast site, please visit

Saul Langarica

If you have any questions or you decide to attend this Feast site, please contact Saul Langarica at

Saul Langarica